
Outline of the Senate Bill

We now have the detailed outline of the new bill


Immigration Reform–DV Lottery Should not be eliminated

The Senate mark up of the Immigration bill is set to start once members of congress return from their spring recess, sometime from May 3, 2013. It is therefore important that anyone with interest in the bill contact their respective representative, especially the U.S senator to express their support of the bill and the need […]


844 Pages of the Immigration Reform Bill

The test of the Senate bill is finally out. All 844 pages of the bill. We will provide section by sections analysis. In the meantime, our friends at the Advocates for Human Rights have prepared a chart that analyzes the human rights sections of the bill.


Comprehensive Immigration Reform Introduced in Senate

Today, the Gang of 8 United States Senators will introduce the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill, aimed to address most of the problems with the current immigration laws. The key components are: regularizing the status of 11 million undocumented people present in the United States that will result in creating a path to Citizenship; enhancing security […]